Monday, November 12, 2007

Botany Lab Week 4

Well, this is the 4th week of blogs and everything is going CRAZY! The entire food pellet is gone without a trace. Most of the organisms are down towards the bottom of the aquarium, but a few are hanging out around the moss. Also, the cyanobacteria, has changed shape again with most of them in a vertical line.

First, I will start with the things that are falling in population. The thing that had the most drastic drop in population was the Chlamydamonas. I guess that they are a good food source for the things that grew in population. Another thing that had a large decrease in population, probably for the same reason, was the Paramecium. Other organisms of note were Rotifers and Halteria.

Most of the other creatures in the micro-aquarium grew in population, except for the Gastrotrichs which stayed stable. The organisms that grew, but not as impressively as some, were the Amphipods, Diatoms, and Cyanobacteria. But there were 3 organisms that had a large increase. They were the Daphnia, Cyclops, and Seed Shrimp. There were many more Daphnia than I had ever seen in place. The Cyclops also had a large jump in population and it was impossible to even make a guess as to how many there were. The Seed Shrimp also grew very impressively in numbers. I thought that they would have died of with only 1 or 2 in the aquarium, but I was wrong. In my final count there were 8, but there is a large possibility that there were more.

Seed Shrimp

Picture found at

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